Administrative Setup
The MSMHC Sacred Heart Province, Tinsukia was canonically erected on 13th February, 1988. It is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and it comprises of the communities in the Archdioceses of Imphal and Tellichery in the states of Manipur and Kerala, the dioceses of Kohima, Dibrugarh, Miao and Amravati in the states of Nagaland, Upper Assam, East Arunachal Pradesh and Maharashtra.
The province began its journey with 105 members in 13 communities in three dioceses of Dibrugarh, Kohima and Imphal. Following are the houses that existed at the time of erection of the province.
Superior General, MSMHC
Sr. Christine Mynsong is the Superior General of the Congregation. As the Superior General, she exercises her authority, assisted by her council, always in conformity with Canon Law and the Institute’s own law. Her main concern is to preserve the charism and spirit of the congregation and promote unity among the sisters. She serves the Congregation by animating, guiding, coordinating, inspiring and encouraging the sisters to be faithful to their vocation and mission. She provides leadership in the congregation. She is the guardian of the constitutions and traditions and is the spokesperson of the congregation.
The General Councillor For Education, MSMHC
Sr. Katherine Joseph coordinates the core teams for education in the Provinces, visits the schools once in two years, animates teachers and ensures the maintenance of school records. She is also responsible for the Boarding houses and coordinates school activities, programmes for non-formal education, Past Pupils’ Association, Scouts and Guides, Junior Red Cross and other similar associations and movements. She helps the headmistresses to organize in-service training programmes for the teachers of MSMHC schools. The General Councilor for Education is also entrusted with the responsibility of the educational ministry of the Congregation.
The Economer General, MSMHC
Sr. Daisy Jacob, in consultation with the Superior General and the General Council, administers those goods, which do not belong to any particular house, but to the whole congregation. She studies with the help of the finance committee, matters concerning the temporal administration, submits projects and accounts; presents the annual budget of the Generalate and of the provinces to the General Team and implements its decisions. It is her duty to guide the administration of the temporal goods of the provinces so as to ensure sound management. The Economer General maintains records of the movable and immovable property owned by the congregation with their approximate value, as well as copies of important documents relating to the financial transactions of individual houses.
The Provincial Superior, Tinsukia Province, MSMHC
Sr. Ancy Varghese is the Provincial Superior of the Tinsukia province of MSMHC. In this capacity, she exercises her authority in line with Canon Law and the Institute’s regulations, supported by her provincial council. Her primary focus is on preserving the charism and spirit of the congregation while fostering unity among the sisters. She serves the provincial congregation by animating, guiding, coordinating, inspiring, and encouraging the sisters to stay faithful to their vocation and mission. As the provincial leader, she provides direction and oversight, guards the constitutions and traditions, and acts as the spokesperson for the congregation.
The Superior & Manager, St. Mary's Higher Secondary School, Dibrugarh
Sr. Dotty Jacob, is the superior and manager of St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School. It is her duty to guide the administration of the temporal goods of the house so as to ensure sound management. She maintains records of the movable and immovable property owned by the school with their approximate value, as well as copies of important documents relating to the financial transactions of the school.
The Principal, St. Mary's Higher Secondary School, Dibrugarh
Sr. Lincy Sebastian is the Principal of St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School, Dibrugarh, she coordinates the core teams for education in the School, animates teachers and ensures the maintenance of school records. She is also responsible for the Boarding house and coordinates school activities, programmes for non-formal education, Past Pupils’ Association, Scouts and Guides, and other similar associations and movements in the School.